Insulin resistance can be defined as the difficulty in the action of insulin secreted to control sugar in the body. In insulin resistance, the body secretes more insulin than a healthy individual to control blood sugar and causes insulin to be stored in the body. The storage of insulin in the body causes an increase in body fat. If insulin resistance is not controlled, it can cause health problems such as obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, cardiovascular diseases.
Insulin resistance can be caused by factors such as genetic predisposition, overweight, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet.
Insulin resistance can manifest itself with symptoms such as frequent sweet cravings, rapid weight gain, feeling tired, constant hunger, sleepiness after meals, inability to lose weight, fat around the waist, menstrual irregularities in women. Diet, exercise and medication are applied as a whole in the treatment. When the level of insulin resistance returns to normal, patients’ appetite stops and weight loss becomes easier.
30 min
6 sessions
Atasehir - Nisantasi